Native Flora and Fauna

In Cottesloe, we have 72 original plant species, adapted to our local soils and climate. They provide a habitat for wildlife, and a food source for insects, in turn supporting birds, lizards, bats and frogs. 

Learn more about our local plants

Caladenia latifolia

Myoporum Insulare



Snakes are an important part of the natural environment and play a vital role in wildlife ecosystems. There are a large number of various species which are similar in appearance and are extremely difficult to differentiate from one another.  During spring and summer, snakes emerge to bask in the sun.  During this time it is important to be careful and try to avoid them.

If you see a snake

  • Do not approach or aggravate the snake – most snake bites occur when people accidentally step on them or try to kill them.
  • Keep pets away from the area – dogs and cats may be curious or aggressive towards snakes.
  • Watch it from a safe vantage point – ideally watch it from an elevated platform.
  • If the snake is in a park or reserve – please phone the Town’s Rangers on 9285 5000.
  • If the snake is in your garden/home – please phone the Wildlife Helpline on 9474 9055.

Treating a snake bite

  1. Remain calm;
  2. Apply a firm compression bandage over the entire limb that has been bitten starting from the bite site (it is best to use three compression bandages);
  3. Immobilise the limb; and
  4. Call 000 immediately. Even if you do not feel ill, it is vital that you seek medical attention as quickly as possible.

Snake FAQ's

Snakes are often attracted to backyards and houses because food, water and shelter may be available. To reduce the risk of snakes taking up residence in or around your home, you can:

  • remove accessible food sources;
  • keep your garden well maintained (long grass, fence sheeting provide shelter for snakes); and
  • empty/limit pools of water (snakes are likely to frequent areas with an available water source).


For more information about snakes please contact the Town’s Rangers on 9285 5000 or email


The following steps can be followed to avoid or reduce the impact of a swooping magpie -

  • Never deliberately provoke or harass a magpie
  • Avoid areas where magpies are known to swoop
  • If you are riding a bike, make sure you are wearing a helmet, and dismount before walking through a nesting area
  • Adopt a confidence stance as this can have a strong deterrent effect.

Remember that magpies are just trying to protect their young.

Further information can be found here