Published on Thursday, 28 April 2022 at 10:45:42 AM
The Town of Cottesloe is excited to announce that construction of the new Anderson Pavilion will commence soon.
At the September Council Meeting last year, Council resolved to award the tender for the upgrade of the pavilion to Classic Contractors. A budget of $1,565,000 has been allocated for the reconstruction, with $400,000 coming from a State Government Community Sporting Recreation Facility Fund (CSRFF) grant, awarded to the Town last financial year.
Town of Cottesloe Mayor Lorraine Young said, “After several years working on this project we are excited that construction of the new pavilion will commence very soon - this is a great outcome for our community and local sporting groups.
“I would like to thank the sporting clubs for their feedback and support in helping us develop a facility that will not only meet their needs today, but also the needs of future generations.”
The ageing Anderson Pavilion has been in need of an upgrade for some time. The new pavilion will be built in approximately the same location as the current building and will be single level. It will provide four change rooms, umpire facilities, public toilets, storage, an enclosed spectator area and a kiosk. These new facilities will allow local sporting clubs to properly cater for members, including an increasing number of females.
The Town of Cottesloe would like to thank the State Government who, through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries are a major supporter of community sport and recreation facilities in Western Australia. Sport and recreation builds stronger, healthier, happier and safer communities.
Anderson Pavilion is located at Harvey Field, the home ground of Cottesloe Magpies Junior Football Club, Cottesloe Roosters Football Club and Cottesloe Rugby Union Football Club.

(L-R) Town of Cottesloe Mayor Lorraine Young, the Hon. David Templeman MLA and Mark Stewart, Managing Director, Classic Contractors
In 2018 users of Harvey Field (surrounding residents and local sporting clubs) were consulted on a Masterplan for the Recreation Precinct. To make the proposal financially viable Council has prioritised elements for implementation. The concept option approved at the May 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting allows for a new Anderson Pavilion to be constructed while remaining compatible with the original 2018 Masterplan should Council be in the position to progress other elements in the future.
Concept plans and drawings for the new pavilion are available to view here.
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