Development Assessment Panel Applications 

Development Assessment Panels (DAP) are independent decision-making bodies charged with the role of determining certain development applications. The Town of Cottesloe belongs to the Metro Inner Development Assessment Panel.  

Each DAP is administered by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) and consists of five members: the presiding member, two additional specialist members and two elected local government members.   

Types of applications  

An application for development approval with a development value of $2 million and above, or for community housing, can be determined by a DAP (excludes Single Houses).   


DAP applications must be lodged with the Town, via email (, post or hand delivery to the Town's Administration Centre.   

DAP application requirements are as follows:  

 Once the application has been received, payment can be made over the phone or at the Administration Centre.  

Assessment and determination 

DAP applications are assessed, and public consultation (if required) is undertaken, by the Town.  Following assessment and public consultation, a ‘Responsible Authority Report’ is forwarded to the DAP, with recommendations for consideration when determining the application at a DAP meeting. 

DAP meetings are open to the public and interested parties can address the meeting by submitting a Presentation Request at least 72 hours before the meeting. 

Further information on DAP applications is available on the DPLH website here.