By completing this form and using this equipment you agree that you have read and understood the information below and the Important Safety Information.
If the user of the chair is unable to read and sign or is not over 18 a legal guardian or carer must sign on their behalf.By signing below you agree:- To report any faults and damages to the Town by emailing or by phone on 9285 5000.- To read and agree to comply with the conditions of use of the beach wheel chair.- To return the beach wheel chair in the same condition as was hired.- To rinse the wheel chair with fresh water after use.- To return the beach wheel chair from where it was taken.- The user assumes all risk of injury and damage arising from the use of the beach wheel chair.- The Town of Cottesloe accepts no liability to the extent permitted by law.- I will not hold the Town of Cottesloe accountable against any claims directly or indirectly arising from or incurred in connection with damage to or loss of property, or injury, arising from the use of the beach wheel chair whilst in my care.
Type the code from the image