Long Term Cycle Network - Cottesloe Routes (Closed)

The Department of Transport (DoT) is progressing the development of a Long-Term Cycle Network (LTCN) for the Perth and Peel regions.

The aim of the LTCN project is to ensure that both State and local government are working towards the delivery of one continuous cycling network which will provide multiple transport options, recreational opportunities and support for tourism and commercial activity.

In 2017-18 the Department held workshops with portfolio partners the Public Transport Authority and Main Roads to confirm a draft network of high-quality, safe and comfortable cycling routes along State owned roads and rail corridors.

The next phase of the project is to consult with the 33 local government authorities in the Perth and Peel regions to agree on the wider connections that will link Perth’s various strategic, secondary, district and specialised activity centres and public transport services.

What we want to know

Before the next phase of the project we would like to gain an insight into our community’s expectation of where the bike routes should be within Cottesloe. Your advice in this regard will assist us with the next round of consultation with DoT. 

Be involved, take the survey!

  • Online - click here
  • Print a copy and drop it into our administration office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe
  • Complete a survey at our administration office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe

The survey submission period closes 12:00pm 5 December 2018

What happens next?

In 2019 we will work with DoT to develop the Draft Long-Term Cycle Network; this will be circulated for further consultation by the Town of Cottesloe, offering you another opportunity to provide feedback.