Cott Village Project - Proposed Precinct Plan (Closed)

At the November Council Meeting, Town of Cottesloe Councillors unanimously approved a Draft Cott Village Precinct Plan for community comment and further consultation. The Town is seeking input and feedback from our community in the very early stages of this project, to ensure that the best interests of our community are addressed.

The Cott Village Precinct Plan (the Precinct Plan) is a joint project between the Town of Cottesloe and the Shire of Peppermint Grove to create an active, vibrant and well-connected urban village, offering a wide variety of services and a great range of experiences, while respecting Cottesloe Village’s unique character and sense of history.

The formulation of the Precinct Plan will occur in four distinct stages:

Part 1              The study, including research and technical investigations

Part 2              The formulation of an overarching strategic planning framework (the Precinct Plan) and associated local planning policy. The bulk of community and stakeholder engagement will be undertaken during this stage

Part 3              The development of supporting instruments and plans such as a Schedule of Scheme Amendments

Part 4              The development of an Action Plan, including capital works programming

Part 1 is now complete. Initial research was consolidated into a spatial database, which in turn informed draft preliminary design ideas and indicative building heights contained within a draft Precinct Plan for Cott Village.

Draft Cott Village Precinct Plan November 2019

It will inform decision-making on how the Centre will redevelop and function as a social and business community. The bulk of the research undertaken within Part 1 is summarised in four technical reports that form the attachments to the draft Precinct Plan:

The Town is now seeking input and feedback from our community on the draft Precinct Plan to ensure that the best interests of our community are addressed.

Please note; that the contents of the draft Precinct Plan are not a recommendation of Council; instead these design ideas are a way for the Town to gain an understanding of community sentiment about the future of Cott Village.


How and when can I have a say?

Due to the current situation, the Town has extended the public advertising period until Sunday, 3 May 2020.

If you would like to make a submission on the draft Precinct Plan, please fill out the form below and email to

Draft Cott Village Precinct Plan Submission Form

Please note; until recently the Town and Shire have been referring to the Precinct Plan as an Integrated Local Area Plan or ILAP. This name has been updated as ‘Precinct Plan’, as it better reflects recent changes in State Planning Policy, specifically SPP 7.2.

Contact Details

Name: Planning Services

Phone: 9285 5000
