Earth Carers
Who are the Earth Carers?
Earth Carers educate and support their communities to reduce waste at home, school or work and encourage earth friendly living. We love to talk about conserving more and consuming less. We also get really excited about closing the loop on our block through organic composting and sharing tips and ideas on how to make this happen.
Free Earth Carers courses are held regularly for Perth's western suburbs residents giving you the knowledge and skills to confidently live with less waste. All welcome!
The next one will commence Wednesday, May 10 2017. Click here to register now.
Check the Earth Carers website for resources, events, courses and programs and more!
The Western Earth Carers are supported by WMRC member Councils including the Town of Cottesloe, Town of Mosman Park, Town of Claremont, Shire of Peppermint Grove with the Town of Nedlands.