Application Forms and Permits - Development (Planning)
Applications for Development (Planning) Approval can be lodged via post or hand delivered to the Town's Administration Centre. Payment can be made over the phone using MasterCard or Visa or at the Administration Centre.
Tio assist, the Town has provided a Checklist (updated October 2022) which clearly states what is required with your application in order for it to be processed.
All applications to amend a development approval require a NEW application form to be submitted which clearly references the development approval you wish to amend. Please select Application for Development (Planning) Approval form and the Checklist to ensure that you have everything required for your submission.
Should you have any further queries regarding Development (Planning) Applications, please view the Planning FAQ page.
FORMS and Information
Deemed to Comply Check
From 15 February 2021, homeowners and small businesses may be exempt from requiring development approval for single homes, extensions and small projects such as cubby houses and patios. The changes provide for a 'deemed-to-comply' check which allows local government to ensure compliance with the Residential Design Codes and Local Planning Scheme provisions, enabling development proposals to process straight to the building approval stage.
The WAPC's Explanatory Guidelines - Deemed Provisions Clause 61A and the Application for Advice - Clause 61A Deemed to Comply Form can be found below. An application must be made to the Town together with payment of $295.
Applications for Determination by a Development Assessment Panel
All applications with a development value of $10 million and above are required to be determined by a Development Assessment Panel (DAP). Applicants also have the option for panel determination of applications with a development value between $2 million and $10 million. Each DAP consists of five members: the presiding member, two additional specialist members and two elected local government members. Application forms, an Applicant's Brochure and other information is available on the DAPs website at
Applications for Determination by a State Development Assessment Unit
All applications with a development value of $20 million and above, or are considered to be of state significance, can be determined by the State Development Assessment Unit (SDAU). The SDAU is a dedicated team within the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) which administers the assessment and lodgement of SDAU applications. All SDAU applications are determined by the Western Australian Planning Commission. Application forms, details regarding community and agency consultation and other supporting information are available from the DPLH website at
Please use this form for planning applications requiring approval by the Western Australian Planning Commission.
Metropolitan Region Scheme - Form 1
Subdivision & Strata Applications
All subdivision applications are made to and determined by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). Should you have any enquiries regarding the general feasibility of your proposal (such as whether the site is of permissible size for subdivision) then please contact the Town's Planning Services on 9285 5000 or prior to lodgement.